

There is one thing that people should never neglect and forget about. And that is taking care of our mind and body. That is the reason why we should allow ourselves to take a break for a day or even a few days. 

We all think of something different when it comes to resting. For me it is lying in bed, watching series or even reading books so my mind would pause for a bit. I also allow myself good food and a bit of physical activity, so my body would be happy. 

I think we all have been at a certain point in our lives where we felt lost. We couldn’t decide what to do first and mostly motivation was out of the sight. Of course there are individuals who can work 24/7 and look totally fine. However, I think that even their body and mind would appreciate a day off for restoring energy and regeneration. It is okay to switch off from time to time. For some people taking a break for one day is enough, other people might need more than that. And that is okay. We all need different amounts of time when it comes to resting and that is totally fine. So when you have been feeling unproductive for a longer period of time, please, don’t feel guilty. Allow yourself to have some “me time”. It is much more important than we think. And if you have no ideas what to do during this free time, let me give you some:

Stay in your bed longer than you are used to

The point of this break is to have peace and relax a bit and not start the day right away after opening your eyes. Stay under those warm duvets of yours, read a book, play some music or just use this time to think about things you would like to do during the day. Resting means doing things slowly and not finishing three hundreds of activities in one day.

Allow yourself to spend more time in front of TV

Since we are working so hard so we could have a successful career, good education or we are simply trying to survive another day, I think we all deserve the well-known lying in front of TV. If there is a film on your mind or series you wanted to watch, then watch it. Grab the remote and turn your TV on.


I don’t mean you have to do intensive work out for the whole hour. Just find a video with a yoga instructor, or if you don’t feel like doing yoga, stretch your body a little. It is really relaxing to stretch your muscles, trust me. When you feel like your body can handle more, turn on a work out video and let’s exercise!


What I mean by hygiene is for example spending a great amount of time in your bathroom. Spoil yourself, you deserve it. It’s up to you what you prefer. Either take a long bath or put a lotion on your body with light massage. It is up to you what you will do.

These were four ideas that were inspired by my day that is focused on rest. If you want your day off going in a different direction, feel free to use your creativity. However, don’t forget that spending the whole day in bed is totally fine. Just remember that there is life and responsibilities waiting for you. So gain new strength and let’s slay all the challenges of life!


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